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ing-bottom: 100.73%;">跟學口語:白領辦公室常用口語

He's highly esteemed among his colleagues. 他在同事中受到的評價很高.

He sounds pretty hard to get along with. 聽起來他這個人很難相處.

It's a very friendly place to work. 這裏的工作氛圍很和諧.

We're fed up with him. 我們受夠他了.

跟學口語:白領辦公室常用口語 第2張

How are you finding your new boss? 你的新老闆人怎麼樣?

A good boss should treat male and female employees equally. 一個好的上司應該做到對待下屬無論男女一視同仁.

I'm an excellent team player. 我富有團隊合作精神.

I had to check something with my colleagues before confirming the order. 在確認訂單之前我需要和同事覈實一些情況.