
首頁 > 口語英語 > 實用生活英語口語 > 美語情景對話 第1257期:Is it common for man to cook in your country? 在你們國家男性做飯普遍嗎?

美語情景對話 第1257期:Is it common for man to cook in your country? 在你們國家男性做飯普遍嗎?

推薦人: 來源: 閱讀: 1.21W 次

Lia: Hi, this is Lia from Indonesia.


Santi: And this is Santi. The same, from Indonesia.


Lia: We are both sisters. So, my question for you is ... Is it common for a man to cook in your country?


Santi: Well, I will answer from my family perspective. No, it's not common in our family to have a man cook in our kitchen cause it will cause a mess and well, especially, my father he loves to cook, he wants to cook but our mother says no directly because when he cooks when he prepares all of the things he tends to make the kitchen dirty and we have to clean it later on so no.


Lia: So that's the point of your family. What about in our country?


Santi: I think maybe younger people, younger families use to do it but for the older couples, I think no. Right?


Lia: Yes, that's right.


美語情景對話 第1257期:Is it common for man to cook in your country? 在你們國家男性做飯普遍嗎?


1. love to do sth. 喜歡;喜愛;
例句:Children love to climb.
2. want to do sth. 需要;想要;
例句:I want to have a talk with him alone.
3. tend to do sth. 往往會;經常就;
例句:If you are not careful, children tend to neglect their homework.
4. later on 後來;隨後;
例句:This will make you more open to sharing and transmitting culture later on in life.



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