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1. Absolutely not 絕對不是。

-Did they approach you?

-No, absolutely not.



2. Are you coming with me?你能跟我一起去嗎?

Are you coming with me or not? 你到底要不要跟我一起去?

3.As soon as possible. 儘快。

Please make your decision as soon as possible.請儘快作決定。

4. Are you sure?你確定嗎?

Are you sure you should be up?你確定你應該起來嗎?

5. Believe me.相信我。

I was afraid that nobody would believe me.我擔心沒有人會相信我。

6. Buy it.買下來!

I will buy it, dear or cheap. 不論貴賤我都要買它。

7. Call me tomorrow.明天打電話給我。

If you have time, will you call me tomorrow? 如果你有時間,明天給我打電話好嗎?

8. Can you speak slowly?你能說慢點嗎?

I can't follow you, Can you speak slowly, please? 我聽不懂你的話,請你講慢一點好嗎?

9. Come with me.跟我來。

Quick, come with me! 快跟我走啊!

10. Congratulations.恭喜。

Congratulations to everybody who sent in their ideas.向所有貢獻自己點子的人表示祝賀。

11. Do you mean it?你的意思是?

What do you mean, it was my fault?你是什麼意思,這是我的錯?

12. Do it right! 做得對!

Did he do it right? 他做的對嗎?

13. Do you see him often? 你經常見到他嗎?

Do you get to see him often? 你經常能見到他嗎?

14.Do you see it?你明白了嗎?

“Do you see it?"he demanded urgently.

“你明白了嗎?” 他急切地問道。

15. Do you want it?你想要嗎?

I have a dog, do you want it?我有一隻小狗,你想要嗎?

16. Don't do it.不要做。

I forgive you, just don't do it again. 我原諒你,只是以後不要再犯了。

17. Don't exaggerate.不要誇張。

Don't exaggerate. Just tell me exactly what you saw. 別誇大,只要告訴我你究竟看到了什麼。

18. Give me a hand.幫我一下。

Come and give me a hand in the garden.到花園裏來幫我一把。

19. Go right ahead.一直往前走;去做吧。

Go right ahead, I'm sure you don't need me to organize you. 只管幹吧,我相信你用不着我來爲你安排。

20. Have a good trip.祝旅途愉快。

I can have a good trip now! 我可以有一個愉快地旅行了!

21. Have a nice day.祝你今天愉快。

Thank you and have a nice day. 感謝您和有好的一天。

22. Have you finished?你做完了嗎?

Have you finished writing the article?文章寫成了嗎?

23. He doesn't have time.他沒空。

He doesn't have time, you know, for anybody else. 他沒有可以花在別人身上的時間。

24. He is on his way.他現在已經在路上了。

He is on his way to the farm.在他去農場的路上。

25. How are you doing?你好嗎?

You're so grown-up, how are you doing? 你都長這麼大了,你好嗎?

26. How long are you staying?你要呆多久?

-How long are you staying?

-For a week.



27. I am crazy about her.我對她着迷了。

-Do you iove this boyar woman?

- I'm crazy about her!



28. I am wasting my time. 我在浪費時間。

You are probably thinking that I am just wasting my time.你可能會想我是在浪費時間。

29. I can do it.我能做。

If I can do it, so can you.要是我都做到了,相信你也可以。

30. I can't believe it.我簡直不能相信。

I can't believe it! I'm so glad.真不敢相信!我太高興了。

31. I can't wait.我不能再等了。

I have waited here two hours. I can't wait any longer.我已經在這兒等了兩個小時了。我不能再等了。

32. I don't know anybody.我一個人都不認識。

Do we have to be there? I don't know anybody there.我們非去不可嗎?我一個人都不認識的!

33. I don't like it.我不喜歡。

Too little! and I don't like it!太少了,我也不喜歡!

34. I don't think so.我不這麼認爲。

I don't think so. I mean, like, he's a grownup.我不認爲我是說,他是個大人。

35. I feel much better.我感覺好多了。

Thanks. I feel much better now.好的,謝謝,我感到好多了。

36. I found it.我找到了。

But I found it again. 但是現在我又找到它了。

37. I hope so.我希望如此。

Oh I see. I hope so.哦我明白了。我也希望如此。

38. I noticed that.我注意到了。

I noticed that he seemed to have something on his mind.我發現他好像有什麼心事。

39. I see.我明白了。

Oh, I see. That's why.哦,我明白了。原來如此。

40. I speak English well.我英語說得很好。

If a pig can fly, I can speak English well. 我要是能說好英語,連豬都會飛啦。

41. I think so. 我認爲是這樣的。

-It ought to be stopped.

- Yes, I think so.



42. I want to speak with him. 我想跟他說話。

I don't want to speak with him.我不想跟他說話。

43. I would like a cup of coffee,please. 請給我一杯咖啡。

-May I help you?

-I would like a cup of coffee, please.



44. I'm hungry. 我餓了。

It's past dinner time and I'm hungry.過了開飯時間了,我餓了。

45. I'm leaving. 我要走了。

I'm leaving right now. 我這就走。

46. I'm sorry. 對不起。

I'm sorry. How careless of me. 對不起,我太不小心了。

47. I‘m used to it. 我已經習慣了。

Thank you. I'm used to it. 謝謝你,我已經習慣了。

48. I'll miss you.我會想念你的。

I'll miss you and your beautiful family. 我會想念你和你的美好的家庭。

49. I'll try.我試試看。

I'll try and hunt out the information you need. 我會努力找到你要的信息。

50. I'm bored. 我很無聊。

I'm bored. Let's go home. 我覺得好無聊,我們回家吧。

51. I'm busy. 我很忙。

What is it? I'm busy.什麼事?我忙着呢。

52. I'm having fun. 我玩得很開心。

I'm having fun helping my mom.我在幫我媽的時候感覺很快樂。
